Sunday, May 29, 2016

BLJQ Plays the Blue Martini Jazz Cafe

The Bob Liley Jazz Quintet  performed at the Blue Martini Jazz Cafe (1516 Yew St, Vancouver) on Friday, May 27 and Saturday, May 28 from 8:00 pm to 11:30 pm. We drew on our extensive repertoire of bebop tunes and the crowds loved us. The Blue Martini is a great new club with a lot of class. Reservations are encouraged. Phone 604-428-2691. If you haven't heard us before, come out and give us a listen. We think you'll enjoy it. We will be back at the Cafe on June 24th to open the Jazz Festival. If you have heard us in our many varied performances, come out and listen to us in an intimate club setting. Remember, It's Jazz for the fun of it!


  1. For those folks who came out to hear us, thank you! For those who didn't, you missed an amazing weekend of great jazz. The place was packed both nights and the audience loved us, many hanging around to the bitter end. I didn't realize that people could actually dance to bebop, but there are apparently quite a few things I don't yet know. Jazz for the fun of it is alive and well in Kitsilano!

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